GRC (Glassfibre Reinforced Cement)
GRC merupakan sejenis beton yang diperkuat serat. Produk ini juga dikenal sebagai beton bertulang glass fiber, yaitu merupakan material komposit yang terdiri dari pasir halus, semen, polimer akrilik, air, serta serat kaca tahan alkali yang dikenal berkekuatan tinggi. Mengingat karakteristik serta keunggulan – keunggulannya di bandingkan dengan bahan bangunan lain yang sejenis , hingga saat ini bahan glassfibre reinforced cement telah digunakan secara nasional maupun internasional.
- Mudah diaplikasikan serta mampu membentuk detail yang rumit, sehingga mempermudah arsitektur maupun perancang design bangunan untuk berkreasi dengan menggunakan bahan GRC.
- Dengan bobotnya yang ringan namun kuat akan memgurangi biaya struktur dan pondasi.
- Tahan terhadap cuaca , air, api, korosi, jamur, dan rayap.
- Biaya perawatan yang rendah.
- Jangka waktu pemakaian yang lama
- Mudah di cat.
- Pemasangan yang relatif cepat.
- Tidak mengandung asbestos.

GRC Dome Kubah
GRC Dome or Kubah (in Indonesia), They may appear on Mosque , hotels, government buildings and private villas. domes are available in a wide variety of styles. Cupola domes, onion domes, coffered domes, and the classic semi-spherical shape are all possibilities. Domes are generally decorative in nature and can be used in external or internal applications. […]
GRC Cladding
GRC cladding panels are generally manufactured by the ‘Hand Spray’ technique. As the name implies, the material is sprayed into a mould using special machinery. The method can produce high-performance materials from which panels with extremely thin, lightweight sections are achievable.
GRC Board
GRC (glass reinforced concrete) board is a fibre reinforced pre-cast concrete with a 50-50 sand cement matrix in a typical wall thickness of 12 to 15mm thick. Hollow rib profiles created around the perimeter and across the rear face at designed centres. provide the structural integrity of the components. These ribs are between 50 and […]
What is GRC or GFRC ?
What is GRC ? So, GRC or Glass fiber reinforced concrete is a type of fiber-reinforced concrete. The product is also known as glassfibre reinforced concrete or GRC in British English. Glass fiber concretes are mainly used in exterior building façade panels and as architectural precast concrete. It’s a cement-based composite material reinforced with alkali-resistant […]